Morning Report: Floyd Mayweather Sr. to Conor McGregor: I’m a 64-year-old man and I’ll beat your ass

May 1, 2017

For the last year, the MMA and boxing communities have been taken over by the proposed crossover super-fight between UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor and boxing great Floyd Mayweather Jr. With UFC President Dana White now seemingly on boardwith making the fight a reality, fans are hoping the fight will be made for later this year, though there remains a healthy amount of skepticism as to whether the bout will actually materialize.

Even if the bout does happen, the general consensus among boxing aficionados is that McGregor, a man with zero professional boxing experience, stands little to no chance against one of the greatest boxers of all time. But Mayweather’s father, Floyd Mayweather Sr., is willing to take that even further, saying that McGregor wouldn’t stand a chance against him, much less his son.

“He don’t want that fight. Floyd’s gonna turn him upside down,” Mayweather Sr. told “That be like you and Floyd in the ring! [Laughs]. He looks bad in the ring. That’s a done deal right there. They’ve already showed the best that he’s got.

“He ain’t nothing but talk! I told them people on the TV already, forget about Floyd. Let’s throw Floyd to the side. Here I am, I’m a 64-year-old man and I’ll beat your ass. I’ll beat the s**t out of McGregor! Anytime he wants it, let’s go.”

Mayweather Sr. was a talented boxer in his own right, amassing a 28-6-1 record and even competing against Sugar Ray Leonard during his rise to the top of the boxing world. He left fighting and began training boxers, working most notably with Oscar De La Hoya and even B.J. Penn for a short stint. Though he and his son had a tumultuous relationship, he resumed training Mayweather Jr. in 2013 and would, ostensibly, train him for a bout with McGregor.

As for why Mayweather Sr. thinks he could outbox a man almost 40 years his junior, it’s because he doesn’t put much stock in McGregor as a boxer. Mayweather thinks this is all a cash grab and that McGregor doesn’t know the the first thing about elite boxing requirements.

“I’m telling you right now, he can do all the stuff he want to do but this guy don’t know nothing about how to get your body right and the amount of time and everything you’ve got to do, he don’t know nothing about that.”

Safe to say the Mayweather family doesn’t think much of McGregor the boxer.


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