Abacha was afraid of my dad

Jun 11, 2017 12:10 AM

Chief Olu Falae

Oladapo is a son of a former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Chief Olu Falae. He talks about his father’s life and career with TOLUWANI ENIOLA

Tell us briefly about yourself.

I am the first of seven children of Chief Olu Falae and Mrs. Rachel Falae. We used to be three males and four females but we lost one of us about four years ago. I am into logistics, farming and plastic production. I studied Business Management with a minor in International Business at the New York Institute of Technology.

What were the childhood memories with your father?

My father was a civil servant. He studied at Yale. I can remember in the early 70s when we came back from the US. We stayed in a hotel for about a year before we got accommodation. It was a normal upbringing; it wasn’t a lot but it was enough. We went to schools near our home. Nigeria was a different country at the time. Houses were not fenced. Then one could go to one’s neighbour’s house and play football till night before returning home.  It was interesting. My father travelled a lot. My mother kept the house clean. I won prizes for neatness in primary school because my parents didn’t tolerate dirtiness. Dad worked at the then Department of Economic Planning. We would sit down in front of the house at old Ikoyi. We had people riding bicycles and selling palm wine. Dad would stop them and buy some. Then he gave little to us. I was six years old then. It was a very good palm wine and after drinking, dad would go to sleep.

How did he discipline any of his children who misbehaved?

He was a disciplinarian but not harsh. We knew what he wanted. We were raised by his eyes and not by hands, so to say. We knew what was acceptable and what was wrong without being directly told.

What punishment can you recall that he gave you when you did wrong?

I got flogged by him for animal cruelty. My brother and I experimented with everything at home. Everything we saw, we had to test it. We opened up many clocks in the house and some never worked well again. We got punished for that. I think he flogged me three times in my entire life. I really deserved the flogging. He would make one kneel down for long but he was compassionate. My mother gave us more punishments.

Your father worked in the cabinet of Ibrahim Babangida and was imprisoned by the military regime of the late despot, Sani Abacha, for his role in the actualisation of the June 12, 1993 presidential election. Did he regret working with the military?

No, he didn’t regret. This was because he worked with them to add value to people’s lives. He helped the military boys who were not trained in economics to understand the realities of what they were dealing with. He felt it was his duty to impact on the nation.

Even Abacha that locked him up was on the same security council for the seven years he worked with Babangida. I think Abacha was afraid of my dad because of his determination, experience and knowledge about the economy. He wasn’t somebody that Abacha wanted in the opposition. He was a threat to Abacha because the first NADECO meeting was held in our house and then subsequently at General Adeyinka Adebayo’s house at GRA, Ikeja. He was against injustice done to the late MKO Abiola. He was not interested in running away from the country.

Did his family fear for his life when he was incarcerated?

When he was in prison, our fear was that he would be killed based on the allegations against him. We were worried. We concentrated on the legal defence, appealing to people who knew the maximum ruler at the time. I was in Akure, Ondo State, because we had businesses there. I had to go to Akure and return to Lagos every weekend to brief him about happenings at home. My mum was in Lagos to take food to him every day.

What is his religious conviction and how did he use that to raise his children?

My parents are Anglicans. But, during childhood, my father had his own ideas about religion. He didn’t want to inculcate any religion into his children. He wanted us to decide. It was when I started attending secondary school that I attended Sunday services in boarding school. When he retired, he went back to his old church. He is very active in the church now playing leadership roles.

How did his family cope when he was abducted?

He didn’t like gun-toting policemen around him. Even when he was the Secretary  to the Government of the Federation, he was entitled to a lot of security arrangements but he insisted he didn’t want any. They prevailed on him though. Before the kidnap, our house in Akure had an open gate. Anybody could walk in. After the kidnap, he was forced to have mobile security in the house and farm. He is not comfortable with it but he realised it is important. It is unfortunate that a retiree can’t quietly live his life. The farm is too big to have a fence around. Going to the farm is therapeutic for him.

What is his favourite music?

When we were growing up, he listened to a collection of records from Bob Marley to Sunny Ade, Diana Ross, to the old Jacksons. He likes music about egun (masquerader). There are entertainment masqueraders who sing, dance and pray for people. He brings them out. He used to do this every year until after the death of my younger brother. He loves villagers. He is the Baale of our village, Ilu Abo. He is the Olu of Ilu-Abo, about 10 kilometres from Akure. His music appreciation is wide and he loves classical music.

What is his favourite food?

He likes pounded yam. Because of medical reasons, he had to reduce its intake. He still eats pounded yam with skinless chicken. He likes Coke as well but my mum should not hear that because he is not supposed to drink it. He exercises by going to his farm. He walks about three kilometers, because he visits every area of the farm. He will be 80 next year.

What are his likes and dislikes?

He likes honesty and dislikes oppression of any kind.

What are his best and worst moments?

From what I know, one of his worst moments was when he lost the presidential election in 1999. He felt a great injustice had been done because he believes he won that election. It still weighs on his mind. His best moment was when he got the party’s ticket, from a primary which unified two political parties that were diverse.

How did you feel when he got the party’s ticket?

I was excited when he got the primary ticket. I started seeing things different way. The potential of becoming a president’s son was exciting. When we started getting the results, he was leading but a couple of days later, we realised that he had lost. We went to the tribunal because of perceived injustice.

How does your father’s name open doors for you?

It opens doors for me not just professionally but everywhere. If a policeman stops me to check papers for instance, they tell me stories of how they interacted with him before. Some people become hostile. Some say he worked with the military and collaborated with them. Some even call him a selfish politician because they felt being a former minister of finance, he should able to tar roads in Akure and buy transformers. If one does not steal public funds, it will be impossible for one to do that.

We are proud that he didn’t cut corners. When my late younger brother wanted to contest election in Akure, I was surprised by some of the things people said.

Why are you not in politics?

I have no interest yet. I am not into partisan politics. I support whatever party my dad is.

Did your brother’s death made you change your mind about joining politics?

It didn’t because my brother contested House of Representatives but lost at the primary level. He was later appointed as the Commissioner for Culture and Tourism in Ondo State. The reason why we are in politics is to raise the bar; to show that there are human beings in this country who would do the right things. His death highlights the fact that this is a country that desperately needs help. How can somebody take a plane that had been parked for two years and offer it for use because of an opportunity to make money and end the lives of innocent people who have immense potential?

They hurriedly got certification for the plane and put it in the air. No test flight. It highlights the purpose that we must get involved. Rather than quench my resolve or interest in politics, it has strengthened my resolve to get involved. My brother’s wife is in court to sue the airline for the death of my brother

What role did your father play in your career choice?

When I was filling my UTME form, he advised me to fill whatever course I wanted. He didn’t want us to regret anything in the future. He allowed us to make our choices. I was happy about this. I filled my UTME form myself. I gained admission into the University of Lagos but left for studies abroad.

What are the other things people don’t know about your father?

He is an ardent Liverpool fan. He will turn off his phone to watch Liverpool any day. He has been watching them since the early 70s.

He was alleged to have benefited from the National Security Adviser largesse during the administration of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan. How did that affect him?

We knew his dealings were above board and transparent. There was initial trepidation. Once we spoke to him, we realised that it was a donation he received on behalf of the party; Social Democratic Party, not even from Dasuki but through Chief Tony Anenih, a Peoples Democratic Party’s leader. He spent his personal money too. One of the things my mother finds very hard to accept in politics is that one spends money on people who don’t care about one. He spent a lot of his resources.

What are the funny moments between your parents?

They dance from time to time. The old man likes dancing with his wife. While dancing, we try to look away because it’s embarrassing (laughs). They have a penchant for calling each other ‘awe’ (colleague/fellow), instead of the conventional dear or darling.

Does your father cook?

Yes, dad did, especially when we travelled outside Nigeria. But it tasted differently from our mother’s cooking. It’s either something was too much in the food or not enough (laughs).

What are his views about Nigerian economy?

He feels that Nigeria should be restructured. He feels everything being done is merely treating the symptoms of the problem and not the causes.

For instance, making dollars available to keep the exchange rate at a moderate rate is not sustainable as far as he is concerned and he believes it is not the solution. He thinks something should be done structurally.

Many politicians seem to be defecting to the ruling All Progressives Congress, is he going to also join the party?

He would never do that. Part of the reasons they (his party) are not successful electorally is because of the rigidity with their principles. They will not compromise those principles for anything. To affiliate with people to win an election is not an option. If their ideologies are different, there will be no basis to be in the same party with others.

What are some of the challenges he faced in life, especially while climbing up his career ladder?

He always says that from his primary school days to the end of his civil service and banking careers, even till he was called to serve under Babangida, his successes were acts of God and that he was favoured. His mother died when he was young. He got promotions constantly. He does not like to think he was successful because of his intelligence. He rose rapidly and became the Director of Budget and Planning at 38. He had a meteoric rise.

What is his relationship with ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo since they contested against each other?

When he was the director of budget and planning, he worked with Obasanjo directly. He was at council meetings with him. They have known themselves since 1976 or 77.They contested against each other. It was not as if they had a close relationship; it is still basically the same. I don’t feel there is any acrimony between both of them.

Who are his role models?

That would be the late sage , Chief Obafemi Awolowo, because he believes the sage  brought enlightenment to Yoruba land. He tries to emulate him. His father had the carving of Awolowo in his house in the village. Then maybe, Baba Adekunle Ajasin because of his discipline and quiet life, maybe Bishop Gbonigi. His heroes are local. He reads a lot of books by Mahatma Ghandi etc.

Who are his best friends?

His best friend is dead; that is Chief Sunday Wiilliams, popularly called Obele. They went to the same primary school together. The man supervised the building of his house when he travelled. Then there was Dr. Kaleijaye, a surgeon who passed away some years ago and Mr. Agboola.

What are the secrets of his young looks?

He walks on his farm every day. He walks two kilometres every day. He doesn’t smoke, drink, or eat unhealthy food. He does not take any food supplement.

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