Must Read! 6 Funny Facts About Bre*sts You Probably Don’t Know

Jun 1, 2017 5:44 PM

One of the things noticed on a woman is her br**sts mainly because of its protruding nature. Women’s br**sts are made of specialized tissue that produces milk (glandular tissue) as well as fatty tissue.

br**sts is a topic people don’t easily get tired of; boys don’t have it but like it when they see it on a girl. Girls with small-sized b**bs, sometimes want it bigger. The truth is that beauty doesn’t come in just one bra size. There are all sorts of female shapes and sizes in the world, and all are beautiful.

Check out six facts about boobies you probably didn’t know

1. Men have br**sts too

This not a joke. Asides overweight men who retain fat in their chest area resulting in b**bs, some men have br**sts just like women. However, it is a rare condition known as gynecomastia, where the mammary glands are abnormally overgrown. Also all fetus is female at first which is why men have bosoms.

2.There’s a woman in record history that has the largest b**bs in the world

Annie Hawkins is the woman known to have the largest pair of b**bs in the world. According to the Guinness book of record, her br**sts is rested on her 70 inch chest. Annie’s surfers from a condition known as gigantaomastia, which is slow but steady growth of chest and fat tissue.

3. Uneven br**sts is normal

Research says, having uneven br**sts is completely normal. A lot of women have one chest slightly bigger or smaller than the other. It is not a problem and it’s quite common.

4. There are 5 types of bosoms.

Not all bosoms are the same. They vary in shape and size and none is dependent on the size of the br**sts. The popular types of bosoms are: Normal, flat, puffy, short/long bosom, inverted bosom ( there are different kinds of inverted bosom).

5. br**sts can weigh about as much as three bricks

Heavy load. According to research, br**sts can weigh as much as nine kilograms which is why bras are specifically designed to support br**sts within the range of 0.23 kilograms to 9 kilograms. Just imagine carrying three bricks around all day every day and then sleeping with them on your chest.

6. There is a degree called “bra studies” in china

You can get a degree studying bras in china. The degree title is “bra studies” and just like every university degree, upon graduation there’s a certificate awarded in honour of your “education.” Imagine interviewing someone that has a degree in bra studies. Wonder which companies employ them

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source: Gq234

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